AfterEther Wallet for Ethereum

AfterEther Wallet is a State of the Art wallet for Ethereum. It includes many features not available anywhere else. It is open source software, it is free, easy to use, and it incorporates transaction simulation for extra safety. AfterEther Wallet is focused on the User, and our goal is to make user experience a pleasure and not a pain.

To find out more about our wallet, you can watch this video or scroll down the web page for detailed information and screen shots.


  • Account icons
  • Account categories
  • Transaction simulation
  • Automatic gas spending selection
  • ERC20 Token Support
  • Interaction with contracts via ABI
  • Blockchain Explorer
  • Token Explorer
  • Historical balances


AfterEther Wallet is still in development, beta release is coming soon.

1. Dual network support

Works on both Ethereum networks: Ethereum Main Net and AfterEther Main Net
Coin exchange module to swap coins between both networks is coming soon.

2. Blockchain Explorer

Blockchain explorer is included into the wallet software. No more window switching between the wallet and Etherscan. All in one application will make user experience pleasant.

3. Account icons

AfterEther Wallet is a very visual application. It uses icons (avatars) to identify accounts. The picture of the icon is large and colorful. It also has a high probability of being unique, and can be used to verify the destination address before sending funds. With AfterEther Wallet you will forget about addresses in hexadecimal format, just pick an icon you like, and never care about verifying ASCII characters, it is a difficult and exhausting task for your eyes.

4. Ethereum Icon Scanner

Account icons are generated automatically from the account address, but if you simply create an account, the probability of getting a nice icon is low. To find a really beautiful icon you have to generate a lot of accounts and select the one that has the best looking icon. This is why we created Ethereum Icon Scanner, a tool that will help you to visualize many accounts at once and spot an account with an interesting icon easily. Just maximize the Window, and press the button "Next".

5. Icon examples

All these icons were generated using Ethereum Icon Scanner. They are real accounts (with balance) on AfterEther Network. Click the icon to open the Explorer window and the account information will be shown.

With AfterEther Wallet, you don't just create an Ethereum account, you create a BEAUTIFUL Ethereum account!

6. Transaction simulation

AfterEther Wallet is much safer to use than any other wallet, because all transactions are simulated on our Ethereum node first. Transaction simulation on real blockchain data has many benefits. It will help you to:

  • Detect typos in the amount transferred
  • Detect typos in the destination address
  • Confirm, that destination account actually exists in Ethereum database, and avoid sending funds to an account that nobody owns. A big warning in red color will appear if this is the case.
  • Prevent all kind of Ethereum Virtual Machine errors, like Out of Gas error.
  • Transaction simulation does not consume your balance, it is a costless way to prepare the transaction. If an error is found, you can fix the error, and try it again and again, until you make sure your transaction is truly errorless. AfterEther Wallet is the only wallet that can save millions of dollars that are being spent currently in fees on erroneous transactions.

Here is an example of a Transaction Simulation for an ERC20 token transfer. As you can see, not only you can check balances before and after transaction, but you can also see token balances of the accounts involved in the transfer.

Step 1. Create a transaction:

Step 2. Sign the transaction:

Step 3. Confirm that transaction simulation gives you the results you are expecting to get:

Step 4. Click 'BROADCAST TRANSACTION' button to send the transaction to the Network for processing.

Note: A test blockchain was used as data source for this demonstration.

7. Automatic gas cost discovery

During transaction simulation, AfterEther Wallet discovers the exact Gas Limit and it guarantees that the transaction will not fail, provided that the contract has a constant execution path. If you are interacting with a contract with random behaviour, you can add a little bit extra gas, specifying it in the Preferences section. With AfterEther Wallet you will never experience 'Out of Gas' error.

8. Easy to use for newbies

Using AfterEther Wallet is really easy for newbies.

  • You don't need to understand how Ethereum Gas Limit and Gas Price work. Just press the button, and the transaction will go out with the default configuration.
  • You don't need to specify the ABI of the contract to send an ERC20 token to someone, just pick the Token from the list, click on the token and specify the amount you would like to send.

9. Programming languages

AfterEther Wallet is developed in C++. Thanks to this it is very fast, low in memory consumption and portable (Android , iOS(iPhone), MacOS will be supported in due time). It also uses official Ethereum Golang libraries to sign transactions and create accounts, reducing this way the risks of errors in the software. For icons, the (official) Ethereum Blockies algorithm is used.

10. Differences between AfterEther Wallet and MyEtherWallet

The main difference is that AfterEther Wallet is more complex than MyEtherWallet. This complexity helps transferring laborious tasks from the user to the system and increase safety of the operations.

Feature AfterEther Wallet MyEtherWallet
Local transaction signing Yes Yes
Send ERC20 tokens Yes Yes
Contract calls Yes Yes
Blockchain explorer included Yes No
List account transactions Yes No
List account value transfers Yes No
Historical account balances Yes No
ERC20 token transfer listing Yes No
Historical account token balances Yes No
Transaction simulation Yes No
Account avatars Yes Yes
Warning on deposits to non-existent accounts Yes No
Organize accounts in categories Yes No
Preloaded contract methods No Yes
ENS Support No Yes
Open Source Software Yes Yes
Programming languages used C++,Go HTML,Javascript

11. Tokens

At this time only ERC20 tokens are supported, but non-fungible tokens are coming soon.

12. More screenshots